Some of my projects have many, many tests. While we keep the entire suite runtime under 30 seconds (hopefully under 10 seconds for a parallel run), Devel::Cover imposes a measurable performance penalty. I appreciate using Dist::Zilla to manage our distributions, and the additional command to make dzil cover
work is very handy, but running the entire test suite through D::C
more than once seems a little silly.
If I'm improving the test coverage of a piece of code, I usually care only about that piece of code and nothing else. Thus I wrote a tiny little bash function to encapsulate the appropriate invocation to measure the code coverage of only the code I care about:
function cover_test
rm -rf cover_db/;
PERL5OPT=-MDevel::Cover env perl -Ilib $* 2> /dev/null;
Run it and provide one or more test files. D::C
will produce a
coverage report in your console and as an HTML file. (One nice feature of
removing the cover_db/ directory is that the report will always be
available in cover_db/coverage.html, so you can refresh your browser
I added the standard error redirection to avoid the error messages the
current version of D::C
(0.79) emits when analyzing Moose code.
That's likely to go away with a new release.
This shell function only saves me thirty seconds for each invocation, but that allows me to run coverage every five minutes—or more frequently—to verify my progress. It's improved the way I work.
Doing some test file is not an easy work to propose and what you have done here is already a great job. File at a Time test was really and achievement and I closely ca see that. Your works are doing great so far!
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