Style and Efficacy

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To program well, we must find the balance between getting the job done now and doing the job right. We must balance time, resources, and quality. Programs have bugs. Programs need maintenance and expansion. Programs have multiple programmers. A beautiful program that never delivers value is worthless, but an awful program that cannot be maintained is a risk waiting to happen.

Skilled programmers understand their constraints and write the right code.

To write Perl well, you must understand the language. You must also cultivate a sense of good taste for the language and the design of programs. The only way to do so is to practice—not just writing code, but maintaining and reading good code.

This path has no shortcuts, but it does have guideposts.

Writing Maintainable Perl

Maintainability is the nebulous measurement of how easy it is to understand and modify a program. Write some code. Come back to it in six months (or six days). How long does it take you to find and fix a bug or add a feature? That's maintainability.

Maintainability doesn't measure whether you have to look up the syntax for a builtin or a library function. It doesn't measure how someone who has never programmed before will or won't read your code. Assume you're talking to a competent programmer who understands the problem you're trying to solve. How much work does she have to put in to understand your code? What problems will she face in doing so?

To write maintainable software, you need experience solving real problems, an understanding of the idioms and techniques and style of your programming language, and good taste. You can develop all of these by concentrating on a few principles.

Sometimes you need powerful, robust code. Sometimes you need a one-liner. Simplicity means building only what you need. This is no excuse to avoid error checking or modularity or validation or security. Simple code can use advanced features. Simple code can use CPAN modules, and many of them. Simple code may require work to understand. Yet simple code solves problems effectively, without unnecessary work.

Writing Idiomatic Perl

Perl borrows liberally from other languages. Perl lets you write the code you want to write. C programmers often write C-style Perl, just as Java programmers write Java-style Perl and Lisp programmers write Lispy Perl. Effective Perl programmers write Perlish Perl by embracing the language's idioms.

CPAN developers, Perl Mongers, and mailing list participants have hard-won experience solving problems in myriad ways. Talk to them. Read their code. Ask questions. Learn from them and let them guide—and learn from—you.

Writing Effective Perl

Writing maintainable code means designing maintainable code. Good design comes from good habits.

If you find a bug, report it. Patch it, if possible. Submit a failing test case. Fix a typo. Ask for a feature. Say "Thank you!" Then, when you're ready, When you're ready—when you create something new or fix something old in a reusable way—share your code.


Good programmers anticipate the unexpected. Files that should exist won't. A huge disk that should never fill up will. The network that never goes down stops responding. The unbreakable database crashes and eats a table.

The unexpected happens.

Perl handles exceptional conditions through exceptions: a dynamically-scoped control flow mechanism designed to raise and handle errors. Robust software must handle them. If you can recover, great! If you can't, log the relevant information and retry.

Throwing Exceptions

Suppose you want to write a log file. If you can't open the file, something has gone wrong. Use die to throw an exception (or see The autodie Pragma):

    sub open_log_file {
        my $name = shift;
        open my $fh, '>>', $name or die "Can't open log to '$name': $!";
        return $fh;

die() sets the global variable $@ to its operand and immediately exits the current function without returning anything. This is known as throwing an exception. A thrown exception will continue up the call stack (Controlled Execution) until something catches it. If nothing catches the exception, the program will exit with an error.

Exception handling uses the same dynamic scope (Dynamic Scope) as local symbols.

Catching Exceptions

Sometimes allowing an exception to end the program is useful. A program run from a timed process might throw an exception when the error logs are full, causing an SMS to go out to administrators. Other exceptions might not be fatal—your program might be able to recover from one. Another might give you a chance to save the user's work and exit cleanly.

Use the block form of the eval operator to catch an exception:

    # log file may not open
    my $fh = eval { open_log_file( 'monkeytown.log' ) };

If the file open succeeds, $fh will contain the filehandle. If it fails, $fh will remain undefined and program flow will continue.

The block argument to eval introduces a new scope, both lexical and dynamic. If open_log_file() called other functions and something eventually threw an exception, this eval could catch it.

An exception handler is a blunt tool. It will catch all exceptions thrown in its dynamic scope. To check which exception you've caught (or if you've caught an exception at all), check the value of $@. Be sure to localize $@ before you attempt to catch an exception, as $@ is a global variable:

    local $@;

    # log file may not open
    my $fh = eval { open_log_file( 'monkeytown.log' ) };

    # caught exception
    if (my $exception = $@) { ... }

Copy $@ to a lexical variable immediately to avoid the possibility of subsequent code clobbering the global variable $@. You never know what else has used an eval block elsewhere and reset $@.

$@ usually contains a string describing the exception. Inspect its contents to see whether you can handle the exception:

    if (my $exception = $@) {
        die $exception unless $exception =~ /^Can't open logging/;
        $fh = log_to_syslog();

Rethrow an exception by calling die() again. Pass the existing exception or a new one as necessary.

Applying regular expressions to string exceptions can be fragile, because error messages may change over time. This includes the core exceptions that Perl itself throws. Instead of throwing an exception as a string, you may use a reference—even a blessed reference—with die. This allows you to provide much more information in your exception: line numbers, files, and other debugging information. Retrieving information from a data structure is much easier than parsing data out of a string. Catch these exceptions as you would any other exception.

The CPAN distribution Exception::Class makes creating and using exception objects easy:

    package Zoo::Exceptions {
        use Exception::Class

    sub cage_open {
        my $self = shift;

        Zoo::AnimalEscaped->throw unless $self->contains_animal;

    sub breakroom_open {
        my $self = shift;
        Zoo::HandlerEscaped->throw unless $self->contains_handler;

Another fine option is Throwable::Error.

Exception Caveats

Though throwing exceptions is simple, catching them is less so. Using $@ correctly requires you to navigate several subtle risks:

Modern Perl has fixed some of these issues. Though they rarely occur, they're difficult to diagnose. The Try::Tiny CPAN distribution improves the safety of exception handling and the syntax:

    use Try::Tiny;

    my $fh = try   { open_log_file( 'monkeytown.log' ) }
             catch { log_exception( $_ ) };

try replaces eval. The optional catch block executes only when try catches an exception. catch receives the caught exception as the topic variable $_.

Built-in Exceptions

Perl itself throws several exceptional conditions. perldoc perldiag lists several "trappable fatal errors". Some are syntax errors that Perl produces during failed compilations, but you can catch the others during runtime. The most interesting are:

You can also catch exceptions produced by autodie (The autodie Pragma) and any lexical warnings promoted to exceptions (Registering Your Own Warnings).


Most Perl modules provide new functions or define classes (Moose). Others, such as strict or warnings, influence the behavior of the language itself. This second type of module is a pragma. By convention, pragma names are written in lower-case to differentiate them from other modules.

Pragmas and Scope

Pragmas work by exporting specific behavior or information into the lexical scopes of their callers. You've seen how declaring a lexical variable makes a symbol name available within a scope. Using a pragma makes its behavior effective within a scope as well:

        # $lexical not visible; strict not in effect
            use strict;
            my $lexical = 'available here';
            # $lexical is visible; strict is in effect
        # $lexical again invisible; strict not in effect

Just as lexical declarations affect inner scopes, pragmas maintain their effects within inner scopes:

    # file scope
    use strict;

        # inner scope, but strict still in effect
        my $inner = 'another lexical';

Using Pragmas

use a pragma as you would any other module. Pragmas may take arguments, such as a minimum version number to use or a list of arguments to change their behaviors:

    # require variable declarations, prohibit barewords
    use strict qw( subs vars );

    # rely on the semantics of the 2014 book
    use Modern::Perl '2014';

Sometimes you need to disable all or part of those effects within a further nested lexical scope. The no builtin performs an unimport (Importing), which reverses some or all effects of a well-behaved pragma. For example, to disable the protection of strict when you need to do something symbolic:

    use Modern::Perl; # or use strict;

        no strict 'refs';
        # manipulate the symbol table here

Useful Pragmas

Perl includes several useful core pragmas.

As you might suspect from less, you can write your own lexical pragmas in pure Perl. perldoc perlpragma explains how to do so, while the explanation of $^H in perldoc perlvar explains how the feature works.

The CPAN has begun to gather non-core pragmas:

These tools are not widely used yet, but they have their champions. autovivification and indirect can help you write more correct code. autobox and perl5i are experiments with what Perl might one day become; they're worth playing with in small projects.

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